Monday, January 17, 2011

Finding Your Howl

"Finding Your Howl" by Johathon Flaum is the next article discussed in my blog. You can access this article by following the link  "Finding Your Howl" and downloading it by clicking the download button.

The article described two different stories but similar in ideas and the meaning behind the stories. The first story described how the red wolf was almost completely extinct and as a desperate measure the last of red wolves were taken into captivity until the population was restored which eventually happened after awhile. The problem was that after the red wolves were released into the wild from captivity they did not have the howl they once did which allowed no wolf to lead and causing the wolves to become scared and timid.
Mumon never appreciated the captive life where he was fed regularly on a set schedule and relied on others for nourishment. Mumon ventured off from the group to find his howl. He came across a deer much wiser than himself Mumon’s instinct caused him to chase the deer and eventually catch it and Mumon ate the deer nourishing himself with food. Mumon then met a Raven who is also wiser than him saying that the howl has always been within him. Mumon then took off running with the energy of the deer inside of him until Mumon encounters a farmer who shoots Mumon where Mumon enters the spirit world and finds his howl which later turns out to be the real world on a rock with a moon in the background. The meaning of this story is that everyone has it within himself or herself to become what he or she want to be and to be great they just have to overcome the obstacles in front of them and inside of them. Only after you “die” can you re-emerge and become the person you were meant to be. This is how you will find your howl by embracing the obstacles and learning from the people around you who are much wiser than yourself.

This would have been uploaded on audio but I had some difficulties so I apologize but here are some lyrics from the song I Believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly

See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me, oh

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly

Hey, cause I believe in me, oh

This song speaks to me a lot like in the way “Finding Your Howl” by Johathon Flaum did. It is a reminder that if you believe in something hard enough you can make it happen and you can achieve it. You must first believe in yourself that you have the capabilities to do it. Everyone has it within them to achieve any goal they set in front of them.

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