Saturday, February 26, 2011

Characters/ Animations Critique (Blog 8B)

Spark/ Villain (My character)

Hotspot / Hero (Christina's Character)

Critique of Other's Characters

Here is a link to Emily Zink's character post. (below)

                Brandi il Mondo / Villain (Emily Zink)                                    

Hipster Man / Hero (Adam Cesarz) 


Brandi il Mondo or the villain uses one hue with different saturation's which is a dark color most resembling black from what I can see. The brightness also helps convey the feeling that she is evil because she is surrounded by darkness. The mood that I get when I look at her is sinister because she has an evil smirk on her face and she is surrounded by darkness which also helps her image as a villain. There is affinity used in the color of her costume with the background which could help show how she blends in with the background or to show how she is stealthy. The contrast is shown through the difference between the color of her hair and the background. Hipster uses more brightness to contrast with the villain using a split-complementary color scheme with the blue, green, and red. The mood that The Hipster conveys to me would be angry and determined by his facial expression he is not too happy most likely because of Brandi il Mondo and probably determined to stop her. The Hipster also stands in front of a bright background compared to Brandi il Mondo's character who stands in front of a dark background which is contrast between the two images.

Here is the link to Sam Binnig's character post. (below)

Lightning Man/ Hero (Sam Binnig)                      

Puck / Villain (Colin Mercer

Lightning Man uses an analogous color scheme with the red and yellow with different saturation's to get the black color. The brightness in Lightning Man's picture is brighter than that of Puck's who has a dark background which is to convey that he is evil and dark hearted. Puck uses a analogous color scheme as well with the purple and blue with different saturation's to get the dark color. The two character's color scheme are complements of each other on the color wheel. Puck has a lot more shadows and darkness to convey a darker mood than Lightning man who doesn't really have shadows except has brightness which contrast each other.  Lightning Man has a square head linear body and Puck has a circular and a curvilinear body which contrast each other as well. 

Here is the link to Alex Bolinger's character post. (below)
(there were only animations no drawings)

Thunderthighs (Matt Brody)

T Storm (Alex Bolinger)

Thunderthighs uses an analogous color scheme because the purple and blue are next to each other on the color wheel these colors are complementary to the colors of T Storm who uses a Green and Yellow color scheme which are also analogous to each other. There is more darkness in Thunderthighs characters which could show that he is a darker character or more evil than T storm. Thunderthighs has a square head compared to T storms round head which contrast to each other. The movements of the characters are different because Thunderthighs uses fire to fly away and move around, and T Storm uses instant transmission to move around. There is tension and release used in T Storms clip because when T Storm uses instant transmission he transports from one part of the screen to another and the tension is because you do not know when he is going to teleport or where he is going to teleport to. The release comes when he finally teleports and returns back from teleporting.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Joke Video Assignment (Blog 7)


A Wonderful Escape

The joke videos take a different approach towards telling the joke. One is very literal and straight to the point like the joke and the other takes a more creative approach to the video. Both videos used lines to help frame the characters in the clips which drew the attention of the audience towards the characters. There were was also similar rhythm used throughout both the movies.  These are shown by the rhythm of the windows on the diner which are within equal distances of each other creating visual rhythm.  Another way there is rhythm shown is by the character walking in the scenes which also creates visual rhythm within the scene without moving the camera. The difference between the movies comes in the visual representation of Tension and Release and Contrast and Affinity. There is more tension shown in the video A Wonderful escape because the screen actually goes dark and all you hear is the audio and the release happens when the screen flips back from the black to the people sitting at the table. There is also more contrast and affinity used in A Wonderful Escape as well. The beginning scene uses a lot of contrast with the darkness of the characters surroundings compared to the very colorful and warm colored flame. There is also affinity used in the Beans movie because everything is light and colorful throughout the movie there is no darkness outside or in the character’s surroundings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gears of War 2

(Don't pay attention to the texts put up by the user of the video)

Shawshank Redemption

Monday, February 14, 2011

Visual Framing

In this blog I will discuss the difference between the original artwork by Ben Goossen with the picture I cropped.  I was originally drawn to this image mainly because I find it interesting that there is a man with no face alone in with a flock of birds flying in the distance with dark clouds above his head. I was also intrigued by the tree in the background which seemed a little odd in the picture since it is the only plant in the image. I framed the image this way because of how the image looks compared to the original one. In the cropped image you see the remnants of the man's hat and the flock of birds along with the tree. I chose to keep this part because the flock of birds acts as a line that points towards the tree and if you look at the original image, the flock of birds starts about where the man's eyes would be, almost like he is looking at the tree. This image makes me think that the man is searching for an identity of his own and that he has to face his problems alone which could be shown by the dark clouds or storm coming his way. The tree could symbolize new beginnings. The lines are actual  lines with possibly some virtual lines if you count the man looking at the tree from where his eye sight would be.  The artist framed this picture because it allows the viewer to see both the close-up of the invisible man with a hat and the tree. The way it is framed also shows how the birds point towards the tree. There is also contrast in this picture because there are both straight lines with the flock of birds and curvilinear lines with the man's hat. The picture also creates a different feeling in people's subconscious but consciously everyone sees the same picture but people perceive it differently.